About Mediumship Readings…
My goal with mediumship is to bring through evidential information and healing. Each reading is different, and Spirit knows just what each person needs to hear for validation purposes and to support healing from loss and grief. Validation is an important part of mediumship. It is critical in my view, for me to present facts and specific details about the client’s loved ones who have passed. It helps so much in the healing process!
Spirit often shares information about themselves or living loved ones that there is no way for me to have known. They give me information about things currently happening in the family to show that they haven’t missed anything! For example, they often mention upcoming events and milestones as well!
I recommend booking an hour, if possible, for this type of session. I am able to connect to your loved ones in Spirit via Zoom or over the phone. Zoom sessions are recorded! You may book an individual session or a group session for people who have loved ones in common, or for unrelated parties. Please book the appropriate session type on the booking page!
You can book a group mediumship session, and you have a few options! You can gather with family and related people, friends or a mix. It is such a powerful and amazing experience to share the gift of Spirit with those you love! Make sure if you are booking a group at my office to choose the correct appointment type- related or unrelated parties.
About Intuitive Readings…
If you have questions about life decisions, relationships, career, health etc., an intuitive reading is your best choice. I can tune into your path, help you see the pros and cons of choices or situations, and help you listen to your own intuition surrounding your decisions.
Other information often available to me is what you are learning from your path or the situation in question, how to shift your energy or lift your vibration (even during your challenges), and thus experience your wanted outcomes and timelines. A lot of times people are desiring a particular outcome but are not in alignment with that outcome yet. Your Spirit Guides can help you get in alignment or understand why that outcome isn’t chosen by your higher self.
Book time according to how many areas you are interested in focusing on. Zoom sessions are recorded. One-on-one intuitive sessions are only offered as individual appointments.
About Past Life Readings AKA Other Lifetimes…
I am often able to see details about other lives that connect with the themes of learning and growing in this lifetime.
While I do not do past life regressions with clients, I can bring forth other times I see (that often deeply resonate with the client) for the purposes of healing, understanding and recognizing chosen patterns across different lives.
There is often overlap in Soul Path and Past Life readings. To dive further see Soul Themes Mentoring appointment!
1) You should get a referral from a trusted person or source for a medium or psychic! If you cannot find one put it out to your community! A lot of times you can get some very helpful info and feedback!
2) A legitimate Medium or Psychic will never solicit readings through messenger. If anyone reaches out and says they have messages for you or messages from your ancestors, it’s a scam! Do not send strangers on the internet money (without a trusted referral). Many accounts are cloned so the person may look legitimate. Always research!!
3) A reading is only a part of the process with intense grief. It often can profoundly help to have a loved one in Spirit evidentially validate themselves and give you messages. But it is so important to use all the tools available to support you through a difficult loss, including therapy, support groups and family/friends, to name a few.
4) You should educate yourself on what types of readings a person offers. Read their about page and ask questions!
5) No medium can control who comes through! That is up to Spirit! For me it is likely that you will hear from most the people you would like to, but not always! If you go into the experience open-minded and accepting that who is meant to show up for you at that time will, you should have a good experience. If you are at a stage in your grief where such a situation might be devastating to you emotionally, then perhaps it’s best to wait.